Monday, June 9, 2014

Why You Shouldn't Read Reviews has a dark side. Here is what I think... and why you shouldn't read reviews...

If you are alive and breathing, you have heard of Amazon (Did you ever order from and you probably read more reviews than you would like to admit, but that's okay. I'm going to tell you why reading them can get you in a place of confusion and uncertainty. 

First, you should know that every review posted to Amazon's website is the opinion of the person who bought the item. It all depends on their experience with that particular item. Below I will list two categories that get me flustered the most and tell you what I think about the reviews I've been reading..

The categories that elicit the most frustration...

Books: I HIGHLY suggest not to read reviews about books. I recommend only reading the synopsis and the average rating. More than a few people have posted reviews on books they did not finish reading, so how can they give a proper review? I've read reviews of individuals asking a question that is answered later in the book, but how can they know if they didn't finish reading it? Everyone in the book section on Amazon has a Ph.D in English Literature. Watch out! *snickers*

And of course, how can you review a book that hasn't been released yet? Actually read the book, people! I have a slight distain for reviewers who don't finish the book and at the very end, they reveal they haven't read the book. Why? I do not trust book ratings at all. I read the reviews to see what people think, but it never influences whether I buy the book or not. 

Electronics: I've bought enough electronics in my life to know that it largely depends on the individual using the electronic. If a not so electronic savvy person posts a review of an electronic and they don't have a certain cable.. let's say HDMI cable.. they give the item a low star rating. Why? If you're into electronics, you would know that they most likely won't come with an HDMI cable. 

Also, they give low ratings to electronics they don't know how to use and they have the patience of a toddler. Therefore, they give it a low star rating and return the item. If you're interested in buying something electronic and too lazy to go to your local Bestbuy and talk to a professional, then there's always Youtube. 

YouTube is a great way to view electronics in a way that will have you thinking for yourself. There are tons of unboxings of the newest electronics and you are able to see them on and working. The YouTubers are very good at giving you a closeup look that you wouldn't get anywhere else.

Take reviews on with a grain of salt...

We all want to save money and we think reading reviews of individuals would save us a few bucks, but have you weighed the true cost? You could be passing up an item that you would truly enjoy, but you let a stranger's experience ruin it for you! The worst that can happen is you buying the item and returning it. You get your money back! 

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